Thursday, November 03, 2022

 They Knew..... book club.  (4) Preemptive narrative inversion    Origin of QAnon ..  escalation of violent propoganda...

Edward Bernays:   The father of "Public Relations"  Master of Propoganda   1916. 

Booknotes  The Father of Spin: Edward BernaysAuthor Larry Tye spoke about his book and the life and career of Edward Bernays, The Father of Spin: Edward L. Bernays and The Birth of Public Relations, published by Crown. Mr. Bernays was considered the founder of the public relations field.  

("If you Believe" by Jim Quin ..The Burning Platform)  If you still believe JFK was assassinated by a lone gunman; the official story of what really happened on 9/11; that Epstein killed himself and numerous celebrities, politicians, and financiers aren’t pedophiles; the Federal Reserve isn’t controlled by Wall Street; Klaus Schwab and his WEF acolytes are not trying to Reset the world where you will eat bugs, own nothing, and be happy; Bill Gates is not creating viruses and investing in vaccine makers, while buying up farmland, as part of his dream to decrease the “surplus” population; Soros is not funding the election of communists whose sole purpose is to destroy the cities and states they are running; scientific experts like Fauci are not swayed by the vast amounts of money they are paid by Big Pharma to fake their research and ignore the deaths from these products; Covid was not the weaponization of the annual flu with a billion dollar marketing campaign used to implement government control of the population, which will be expanded during the next engineered crisis; January 6th was an armed insurrection; Putin is literally Hitler and the U.S. did not blow up the Nordstream pipelines while waging a proxy war against Russia; a drug addict nudist from Berkley with a pride flag and BLM flag hanging outside his dilapidated bus is a MAGA underwear terrorist and not a male prostitute picked up by Paul Pelosi; and the Democrats are not cheating again in these 2022 mid-term elections, you are the real conspiracy theorists.

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Questions for change

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