Sunday, April 25, 2004

What a cool way to map the world.... The Degree Confluence
"The goal of the project is to visit each of the latitude and longitude integer degree intersections in the world, and to take pictures at each location. The pictures and stories will then be posted here"
"Victory attained by violence is tantamount to defeat" - Mathatma Ghandi

Thursday, April 22, 2004

As the working of the Bush administration are made public, it becomes more and more evident that our Government is on an unconscionably immorally WRONG path... one that is not caused by good intensions but dramatically let by greed and corruption...
This article from Juan Cole was another eye opener....soj

Juan Cole "Informed Comment"
on Perle at the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
"It is deeply shameful that Perle is still pushing Chalabi, and may well succeed in installing him. Chalabi is wanted for embezzling $300 million from a Jordanian bank. He cannot account for millions of US government money given him from 1992 to 1996. He was flown into Iraq by the Pentagon (Perle was on the Defense Advisory Board, a civilian oversight committee for the Pentagon) with a thousand of his militiamen. The US military handed over to Chalabi, a private citizen, the Baath intelligence files that showed who had been taking money from Saddam, giving Chalabi the ability to blackmail large numbers of Iraqi and regional actors. It was Chalabi who insisted that the Iraqi army be disbanded, and Perle almost certainly was an intermediary for that stupid decision. It was Chalabi who insisted on blacklisting virtually all Baath Party members, even if they had been guilty of no crimes, effectively marginalizing all the Sunni Iraqi technocrats who could compete with him for power. It was Chalabi who finagled his way onto the Interim Governing Council even though he has no grassroots support (only 0.2 percent of Iraqis say they trust him)."

Sunday, April 18, 2004

From Carl Hiaasen - Miami Herald Apr 4 2004
So this is the new America. Our government wants to deport an Oregon woman who was convicted 11 years ago of growing six marijuana plants. Kari Rein, a Norwegian citizen, had never been in trouble before, and hadn't been in trouble since. That changed Dec. 30. She, her husband and two children were returning from a vacation to Norway when she was questioned at the Seattle-Tacoma Airport by officers of the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement. They had run Rein's name through a computer and found the old marijuana conviction. They asked her to step into a private room. ''And that,'' says her husband, James Jungwirth, ``was the last time we saw her for three weeks.''.......(see article for more)

It is a bizarre and harrowing time in the new America. Our president defends Rush Limbaugh, a serial narcotic scammer and pillhead, as ``a great American.'' Meanwhile, the full might of law enforcement is aimed at deporting someone whose only crime is keeping half a dozen pot plants, more than a decade ago. Perhaps if Rein had her own right-wing radio show, the feds would leave her alone. - Carl Hiaasen

Questions for change

Progress Engage in Solidarity What in individual life can be better? How do we make the world better? Find thing to WIN. Heal ourselves Trus...