Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Last night's news with Lisa Myers was yet another exposee of the abuses caused by the US in Iraq:

From MSNC: U.S. contractors in Iraq allege abuses
Four men say they witnessed shooting of unarmed civilians
By Lisa Myers & the NBC investigative unit
Updated: 7:43 p.m. ET Feb. 15, 2005

"There are new allegations that heavily armed private security contractors in Iraq are brutalizing Iraqi civilians. In an exclusive interview, four former security contractors told NBC News that they watched as innocent Iraqi civilians were fired upon, and one crushed by a truck. The contractors worked for an American company paid by U.S. taxpayers. The Army is looking into the allegations."

These contractors worked for Custer Battles .. a company formed just to profiteer from the war in Iraq.

This company has been in the news before:
Iraq Contractor Claims Immunity From Fraud Laws
Seized Oil Assets Paid For Offshore Overbilling
by David Phinney, Special to CorpWatch -- December 23rd, 2004
"Custer Battles has been accused of illegally inflating costs on plum contracts in 2003 to protect the Baghdad International Airport as well as for a massive program that replaced Iraq’s currency. Former Custer Battles employees and plaintiffs, W.D. "Pete Baldwin" and Robert Isakson, claim that the company routinely engaged in accounting trickery and used a corporate shell game involving Cayman Island subsidiaries to drum up charges by tens of millions of dollars with the clear intent to plunder funding for reconstruction efforts."

When will the criminals be held accountable? It seems that the Bush,Inc is busy building a judicial shield that will throw out ALL attempts to hold them or their lackeys to "rule of law".

Now is the time to work against the corporations that are profiting from the war. We need to support the media that brings the outrages public.

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