Tuesday, January 25, 2005

And now this response to Bush's inaugurial speech, from our very best friend, the Canadians:
"This is the boldest, most visionary and most ambitious, but also the most hubristic and vainglorious foreign policy program ever enunciated by an American president. Even World War I leader Woodrow Wilson only wanted to remake Europe.

It was impossible not to be impressed. Phrases like, "The moral choice is between oppression, which is always wrong, and freedom, which is eternally right," are the kind of inspirational language the world community needs to lift its sights above the timid and the tired.

It was equally impossible not to be scared as hell. This wasn't a vision for a Brave New World. It was Bush's personal vision. The world's role is to listen, to agree and then to applaud.

Right after Bush's speech, White House aides scurried around to tell reporters that Bush hadn't meant what he'd said. Or, since presidents are never wrong, that the reporters had been wrong to write that he was presenting his personal vision of a re-ordered world."

And from the South America:
"all the evidence suggests that the administration's actions abroad, and particularly in Latin America, will continue to be marked by a unilateralism stunning in its arrogance and an ignorance equally appalling in its breadth. It is to be hoped that a day will eventually arrive when Washington can begin to recoup the damage to its hemispheric reputation inflicted by this president's explosive combination of ideological fervor, a reckless disregard for the truth and a staff more adept at serving up elemental neoconservative dogma than sound foreign policy"

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