Friday, December 31, 2004

Today's the end of 2004... and it ends with visions of tremendous devestation worldwide. I sit in comfy house with cat curled in the window, crock pot cooking the NewYear's beans, and am very thankful that we are so lucky.
My New Year's resolution is to try harder to follow through and spend energy on doing what's "Right" rather than convenient.

First action was to donate to "Doctor's Without Borders" for aid to the victims in Asia.

Again the Bush response to worldwide anquish is woefully lacking. What an arrogant A****.

How much better would it have been for him to announce that in light of the worldwide catastrophe, and in honor of and mourning for the dead, families of the dead, and homeless, etc. that he would be scaling back the Inaugruial Festivities and calling on all those who so generously donated to his campaign (Rangers, Pioneers, et. al.) to donate in equal kind to the relief efforts.

I'm going to try to send this suggestion to all the Rangers ( that I can find an address. Perhaps there are many oligarchs out there with some compassion left?

May 2006 be a better year than 2005. Peace be with you.

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