Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Well the die has been cast. I am sad for the world and those that inherit it for bad choices we made. A Bush, DeLay and a neo-con control over all three branches of government can not be anything but a BAD thing for the little guy and a delight to all the oligarchs everywhere.

Where now?

Bill Moyers probably said it best in his speech to the Take Back America Conference in 2003:

"our nation can no more survive as half democracy and half oligarchy than it could survive "half slave and half free" -- and that keeping it from becoming all oligarchy is steady work -- our work.
Ideas have power -- as long as they are not frozen in doctrine. But ideas need legs. The eight-hour day, the minimum wage, the conservation of natural resources and the protection of our air, water, and land, women's rights and civil rights, free trade unions, Social Security and a civil service based on merit -- all these were launched as citizen's movements and won the endorsement of the political class only after long struggles and in the face of bitter opposition and sneering attacks. It's just a fact: Democracy doesn't work without citizen activism and participation, starting at the community. Trickle down politics doesn't work much better than trickle down economics. It's also a fact that civilization happens because we don't leave things to other people. What's right and good doesn't come naturally. You have to stand up and fight for it -- as if the cause depends on you, because it does. Allow yourself that conceit -- to believe that the flame of democracy will never go out as long as there's one candle in your hand.

So go for it. Never mind the odds."

Today's the day, here's the place, make one change now.

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