Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Our Executive Branch of government flagrantly spins, twists, reinterprets or blatently disregards the LAW. Our Judiacial Branch is quickly becoming codependent, enabling the twisting of the the constitutional law to meet those with big voices ($$$) and the Congress has Squashed all debate and dialog and is using strong arm tactics or "hidden" and "last minute" maneuvering to ensure that the "chosen" few rewrite the laws....

The public is busy watching "reality TV" and more concerned with the fate of Paris Hilton's dog than the responsibility to create and MAINTAIN: "a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity"

This is scary... not comforting.... What in hell are we doing????

But lets make sure that ALL COLLEGE students are versed in "homeland security"... Since that's the only jobs other than hamburger flippers that will be available.

Homeland Security 101 (from Wired News )
In an effort to attract federal funding, draw new students and prepare graduates for careers in the expanding field of homeland security, universities are augmenting existing courses and launching entire programs around security, defense and terror issues.
Most university course books now include at least a few related classes. For example, students at the University of Richmond can enroll in Rhetorics of Terror/ism, Homeland (In)Security, and the State, which examines the root causes of terrorism and current United States security concerns. Rice University offers Jihad and the End of the World, a religion class that explores the concept of holy war in the Islamic world."

I just wonder WHO is going to pay the bill for all the mess we have gotten ourselves into and when will it come due. Soon I hope, cause I think its only fair and right that "them that caused the mess..... clean it up" , and not our children!!

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