Thursday, December 04, 2003

Rev. William Sloane COFFIN:

" In defense, the big secret is not to lose from within what you're trying to defend from without. And now in this country, the fact that we incarcerate more people than any other country in the world, the fact that we have inner cities that are deteriorating -- When I was at Riverside Church those ten years, I watched in New York City the deterioration of everything in that city not connected with profit making, and largely because all that money was going into that arms race. "

"But I was getting worried that the United States was arrogating to itself a right it would never accord any other nation; namely, the right to decide who lives, who dies, and who rules in Third World countries thousands of miles away. Anybody who knew anything about that situation, anyone who cared enough to do his homework, was patriotic enough to see that good Americans weren't asked to die bravely in a bad cause should have known that this was an enormous mistake. "

Coffins own axis of evil consists of environmental degradation, pandemic poverty, and a world awash with weapons.

As Americans, we should love America, but pledge allegiance to the earth, to the flora and fauna and human rights

"All of us want Al Qaeda stopped. But there's a choice: by the law of force or by the force of law, international law, which means multinational coalition building, sharing intelligence, freezing assets, even by forceful extradition of terrorists, if internationally sanctioned, and by trials not in Guantamo Bay but before an international court such as the International Criminal Court which almost alone we refuse to recognize."

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