Friday, October 06, 2017

2017 - the year the US fell apart

Less than a week before the horrible man Donald Trump takes the oath of office of President. This creature does not believe in truth, empathy, or decency... This creature should never have been nominated... never been elected... and should not be installed as the US President. What happened to the nation? Here's just a start of things that shouldn't be ...

This was saved as draft...
kept as a draft hoping that it would not bring harsh truth.

Todays thoughts.

Actions, inactions, mistakes and wrong doings on one side -  Consequences on other
The seas never stop
Ebb tide
Flood tide
High tide
Low tide
King tide
Some are the daily rhythm
Some steered by the sun and moon
Some catastrophic and world changing
All part of change
Some smooth the jagged edges
Some break the large lumps and make sand

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Questions for change

Progress Engage in Solidarity What in individual life can be better? How do we make the world better? Find thing to WIN. Heal ourselves Trus...