Sunday, April 29, 2007

Some of the things that REALLY bother me

In No particular order, nothing new... just today's dismay...

GW's Palace:
The new American embassy in Baghdad (known to Iraqis as "George W's Palace"). When completed, it will be the largest embassy in the known universe with untold thousands of employees; then there would need to be forces to protect the heavily fortified citadel of the Green Zone (aka "the International Zone") which protects the embassy and other key U.S. facilities.

Blackwater and contract KILLERS...
According to the Government Accountability Office, there are now some 48,000 employees of private military companies in Iraq. These not-quite G.I. Joes, working for Blackwater and other major U.S. firms, can clear in a month what some active-duty soldiers make in a year. "We got 126,000 contractors over there, some of them making more than the secretary of Defense," said House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman John Murtha. "How in the hell do you justify that?"
House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Rep. Henry Waxman estimates that $4 billion in taxpayer money has so far been spent in Iraq on these armed "security" companies like Blackwater -- with tens of billions more going to other war companies like KBR and Fluor for "logistical" support. Rep. Jan Schakowsky of the House Intelligence Committee believes that up to forty cents of every dollar spent on the occupation has gone to war contractors.
Contractors have provided the White House with political cover, allowing for a back-door near doubling of U.S. forces in Iraq through the private sector, while masking the full extent of the human costs of the occupation.
more on Blackwater from Tom Dispatch:

Neo-Con Hypocracy while blatenly breaking the law:
for example:Randall Tobias, the "abstinence makes the heart grow fonder" AIDS czar is a screaming hypocrite for his extra-marital "massages,"
more... Hullabaloo:
Not only does the hypocracy boggle the mind, over and over again but the fact that these miscreants can resign for "personal reasons" are are NOT put in jail.. .OH, I forget, the federal prosecuting attorney's get fired if they prosecute Republican Bush supporters... EGADS!!!!!!!

ad nauseum.......

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