Wednesday, April 28, 2021

What matters?

Today it feels like we're on the cusp of world wide upheaval with the US about to really experience much of the pain that other parts of the world endure.  We (the US) have been involved and instrumental in other countries governance, change, war, etc... with the consequences of our actions out of mind for the majority of our population.   

My struggle is how to live a 'good' life, and what issues can my energy and focus influence in a manner that would best serve future humanity and future life on this world.

Environmental ... Educational ... Justice ... Financial ... Political ... Local ... Peace ... Equality ... Kindness ... Fairness ... Spirituality ... Family ... Friends ... Art & Beauty ... Food and Shelter ... and ????

Guess this is why many people turn to organized religion, pundits, dictators or cult leaders to give them direction and orders.  To give up the quest and give in to the will of the 'leaders' say so would make everything easier and simple. Gain a feeling of peace when all you need is 'Love'.  

Today's read - focus is on Justice.   Our massive incarceration of citizens is big business and predatory against the weak.  The BLM and 'defund the police' movement struggles with causes, arguments, answers and possibilities.   Politicians want to make more laws.  Activists want more demonstrations, commissions, actions. Educators want more programs, classes, courses.  There's a call for more security, social intervention, parenting, coaching, consequences, regulations, shaming, blocking, censuring, etc. 

I feel that there should be a LOT more introspection.   Checking our own before we try to change the other.

Today's links:    District Attorneys Are the First Line of Defense Between the Police and the Public

Square One Project:

Questions for change

Progress Engage in Solidarity What in individual life can be better? How do we make the world better? Find thing to WIN. Heal ourselves Trus...