Saturday, October 13, 2007

A new year

It's been a while since blogging.  I think that I reached a saturation point and there was little point in tracking the outrageous, and the outrageous overwhelmed joy in the good....

These guys have good links:
along with outdoor equipment....

Just signed up with to explore a new means of video/photos for the club...
I don't know how to get the yc members involved in the club and the website..  I'm sure that the main problem stems from a lack of focus or a goal...

There's the "new year" flurry... but we'll see...

Finished reading:

The Law of Love - a mixture of Mexican history and spirituality. The author mixes in comics (graphical novel?) and music (CD comes with book). 

Q&A - Indian novel of life.  It adds to The Life of Pi and The God of Small Things. 

Now listening to Molly Ivins.... I miss her insight and humor!

Next week starts a new adventure.  Stella's and TPM are past and gainful employment hoped for...

Questions for change

Progress Engage in Solidarity What in individual life can be better? How do we make the world better? Find thing to WIN. Heal ourselves Trus...